We serve all your needs

Looking for domain names for your PBN, in order to sell links or sponsored pages or to improve your domain name portfolio?

We offer SEO domains that have NEVER been spammed nor parked or redirected during a long period. All have excellent metrics and are still indexed in Google

We also offer .com sough after brandable and Exact Match Domain names in English and other languages.

Register now

Win time and money

Scrapping the web in order to find available domains has been done millions of times.

ALL valuable domain names have been registered for long and those which expire are registered at once. Available domains are available for a reason.

Analyzing huge lists of expired domains makes no sense if you're looking only for a certain type of domains and if you don't know the (strange) practices of this industry

Let us do the job for you

Unbeatable prices

Thanks to a large portfolio of clients, we are able to snap domain names at a low cost.

While our competitors try to get the most out of any domain name with auctions and make offer sales, our only goal is to have more happy customers everyday.

All of our domain names are sold at fixed and unbeatable prices, with no need of negociating or entering into a uncertain auction

Our prices

A few tips for a perfect experience

We are different

We are 100% reliable: If you've already purchased domain names, you've certainly noticed that it is an horrible industry: fake bidders, terrible registrars, awful support... On the contrary, our only goal is that you have a perfect experience. Good prices, no hassle, no bad surprises.

Subscribe to our alerts: Stop spending hours trying to find the right domain name within millions of expired domains. Subscribe to our alerts with the keywords and SEO metrics you wish and you'll receive relevant domain offers in your mailbox.

Prerelease domain names: For about $50, you can get aged domain names with incoming quality links, which are perfectly adapted for selling links or sponsored pages.
Let us purchase the domain names for you: You need a certain number of domain names monthly with given SEO metrics and other characteristics such as maximum price, language or topic and have no time to review our lists? We can buy directly the relevant domains names for you, at the best possible prices.

Our offer in figures


new expired domains added every Monday

DA 20+

85% of our SEO domains on sale have a Domain Authority (MOZ) over 20, and the average is over 15


80% of our domain names are sold at €60 or less.
There are NO auctions: first-come first-served

2 minutes

Average time you need to get a domain name in your account

Some of the last added domains

What they say about us

We have served thousands customers since our start in this business in the beginning of the 2000's, with a 100 % satisfaction record. We are totally customer-focused.